Photo by Corina Wallenta / UConn Journalism
The eclectic and powerful music scene in New London has been the topic of study for a small group of UConn Journalism students since late January 2022. They have been researching and reporting on the phenomenon of music in the Whaling City — how music shapes the city and how the city shapes the music scene.
Their reporting led them to make a variety of conclusions. Among these are that music is a great unifier, an economic driver, a vehicle for celebration of patriotism, identity, culture and ethnicity and promotion of social justice causes.
Under the direction of Prof. Gail B. MacDonald and Carlos Virgen, The Day's assistant managing editor for audience development, a small group UConn Journalism students worked all semester to produce "Sound on the Sound" —a series of stories in text, audio and photographs that strive to tell parts of the overarching tale of music in New London.
The students — Corina Wallenta, Gladi Suero, John Leahy, Alison Cross and Madison Gardner — spoke with musicians, businesspeople, city and regional officials, educators and others to inform their work.
Here are some of their stories, published in print and online by The Day:
- Live music scene unites a city
- Concerts draw people to New London’s restaurants, businesses
- Music celebrates culture at New London festivals
- Not just for fun, music has a philanthropic side

Photo by Madison Gardner